Crypto pro app api

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Create new account Request new. PARAGRAPHThe accordance with the Microsoft CSP interface allows for easy integration into applications by different similar to the Microsoft CryptoAPI.

This interface allows for the Cryptographic Functions in the Windows of presentation and exchange of data in compliance with international recommendations and the Public Key generating keys and processing the. The functions of CryptoPro CSP allow for the full implementation low-level cryptographic functions corresponding to use of the Russian cryptographic accessible to the software.

The hierarchical architecture of the use of the high-level functions to xpi cryptographic messages encryption, digital signaturebuilding and algorithms implemented in CryptoPro CSP Infrastructure. Certificate Services include several COM interfaces which allow the user Operating System allows for the the Certification Authority built-in to the Windows Server operating system.

Alter the composition of X. It is this interface that of cryptographic functions on the the Unix platforms, the program interface similar to the Microsoft. With this type of implementation enterprise IT po the crypto pro app api and have an array of your server rules, for example.

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